I'm not going to screw around with the recovery hell I went through. Writing here yesterday helped me to put things into perspective. I've worked too hard to deal with this again. I went home yesterday and talked to my boyfriend. I explained that I've been slipping a little and asked him to check in with me in the mornings before work and not let me out the door without a snack. So this is day 1.
I brought some bread and almond butter and I'm going to eat it. There was some minor freaking out this morning since it just seemed like a ton of food I was packing. I broke out the measuring cups and calculator for packing my lunch, which I haven't done in a while, but I think that's probably normal. Once I get used to having this snack and see that I'm not gaining weight I think I'll chill about lunch again. Hopefully. I'll worry about that later.
Now I need to figure out some good snacks that require very little preparation and don't need to be refrigerated. I think if I have to walk across the building to get my snack and take time to put it together I won't bother. But if I have something quick and easy that has enough protein and carbs to keep me full and feeling better before dinner I think I'll stick with it.
I'm expecting the anxiety and all but I've been through this before. It's only temporary. Wish me luck!