How do we define recovery from anorexia?
The part that struck me most in this article was "whether a person can be considered "in recovery" from anorexia if she is able to stay at a normal weight and function well ... but is still obsessed with calorie-counting and weighing herself daily. How well do you have to be to be better?"
I sometimes wonder if people think I'm just hanging on to calling myself eating disordered because it's a comfortable label. After all, I'm a healthy weight, I don't weigh myself daily, and I normally don't obsess over every bite of food. But I think recovery means something different to every person. Some people might be where I am and consider themselves recovered. For me though, I remember a time before the extreme fat phobia and crazy body hatred. I don't feel like I can call myself recovered while I still struggle with these things regularly.
I'd be really interested to hear anyone else's take on how to define recovery.